Prohibited Items

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Prohibited Items

Prohibited Goods

fresh food, medicine, flammable items, corrosive items, CDs, weapons and so on are prohibited items set by IATA Rules and Regulations. (If customers have any counterfeit items that needs air shipment, please contact our customer service officer for further information. If the customer provides false information or selects the wrong shipping method, we will not bear any responsibility on extra costs. Please keep that in mind, provide correct information and select the suitable shipping method in order to avoid complications in the future).

All parcels may be inspected or scanned for prohibited items by customs clearance. If the goods are found to be prohibited items, the package will be confiscated and cannot be transported. It is the responsibility of each customer to ensure the ordered goods do not contain any prohibited items. We are not responsible for any loss resulting from the handling of these parcels or legal consequences by customs.

*Please refer to image below before purchasing to avoid ordering prohibited goods)*

*Except picture below, perishables (refrigerated, chilled), printed items ( religious, political, ethnic, terrorist, erotic item), sex toys, high-value jewelry (gold, diamonds), food (contain unknown odor, alcohol) , medicine also under Prohibited Items category